Getting Started with Termux: Introduction and Basic Commands

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installing Termux
  3. Basic Commands
  1. Managing Packages
  1. Conclusion
  2. FAQs


Welcome to our Termux tutorial series! Termux is a powerful terminal emulator for Android that brings the Linux command line experience to your mobile device. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this series will guide you through various aspects of using Termux effectively.

Installing Termux

First things first, you’ll need to install Termux on your Android device. While you can find Termux on the Google Play Store, it is recommended to download it from the F-Droid website for better support and updates. Alternatively, you can download Termux from a trusted blog post. After downloading, simply install the app on your device.

Basic Commands

Once you have Termux installed, open the app, and you’ll see the terminal interface. Let’s start with some basic commands to get you familiar with Termux.

pwd (Print Working Directory)

The pwd command shows the current directory you’re in. This is useful for understanding your current location in the file system.


ls (List)

The ls command lists the files and directories in the current directory. You can use options like -l for a detailed list or -a to include hidden files.

ls -l
ls -a

cd (Change Directory)

The cd command changes the current directory. Use cd .. to move up one directory level.

cd /path/to/directory
cd ..

mkdir (Make Directory)

Create a new directory with the mkdir command.

mkdir new_directory


The touch command creates a new empty file.

touch filename.txt

Managing Packages

Termux uses the pkg command to manage packages. Here’s how you can install, update, and manage software packages.

Updating Package List

Before installing any package, it’s a good practice to update the package list.

pkg update

Upgrading Installed Packages

To upgrade all installed packages to their latest versions, use:

pkg upgrade

Installing a Package

To install a new package, use the install option followed by the package name. For example, to install the nano text editor:

pkg install nano

Removing a Package

To remove an installed package, use the uninstall option:

pkg uninstall nano

Searching for Packages

If you’re unsure about the exact name of a package, you can search for it:

pkg search package_name


That’s it for the basics! You’ve learned how to navigate the Termux interface, perform basic file operations, and manage packages. In the next tutorial, we’ll dive deeper into more advanced commands and usage scenarios. Stay tuned!


Q1: What is Termux?

A1: Termux is a terminal emulator for Android that allows you to run a Linux environment on your mobile device. It provides access to a powerful command-line interface and a package manager to install various tools and utilities.

Q2: Why should I download Termux from F-Droid instead of the Google Play Store?

A2: Downloading Termux from F-Droid is recommended because it offers better support and updates compared to the Google Play Store. F-Droid is a trusted repository for free and open-source software.

Q3: Can I use Termux on non-rooted devices?

A3: Yes, Termux can be used on both rooted and non-rooted Android devices. It doesn’t require root access to function.

Q4: How do I update Termux packages?

A4: To update Termux packages, use the pkg update command to refresh the package list, followed by pkg upgrade to upgrade all installed packages to their latest versions.

Q5: What are some useful packages I can install on Termux?

A5: Some useful packages you can install on Termux include nano for text editing, git for version control, python for scripting, and curl for transferring data with URLs. Use the pkg install package_name command to install any package.

Feel free to reach out with any more questions or suggestions for future tutorials. Happy coding with Termux!

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